15 thoughts on “Bus Stop Swing”

  1. *thumbs up*

    Neat prank, and no claims as to it being ‘art’.

    I know the ‘artist’ claims it is art, but no need to repeat everything were read, right?

  2. Wow, that was amazing fucking art. It was the most artistic thing I’ve ever seen in the whole world of art and every other piece of art should bow down to this art because this art is just so much better.

    Isn’t art like this just so great ozymandias?

  3. I’m glad you didn’t leave it there… I’d be worried some kid would try to swing really high, let go, and go flying into traffic. 😉 That was pretty cool though, I wouldn’t mind one of those at a bus stop!

  4. He stole the idea.
    Check out the swedish “barsky brothers”.
    They (AKAY and PETER) published a book in 2006 “Urban Recreation – Akay & Peter” with pictures and stories for a few of their projects. “City Swings” were one. The streetartists are world-famous for their characteristic poster/sticker styles.


  5. I love ideas that assign a new task to an existing resource. In this case, the task of entertaining the waiting passengers is assigned to the busstop itself…What else can the busstop do for us?

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