Category Archives: solo

Fake Home Depot Shed Signs

Master Prankster Rob Cockerham and his friends around the country recently added some extra signage to the sheds on display in their local Home Depot parking lots.

Rob explains:

Home Depot, forced to lure customers inside without glitzy display windows, seed the warehouse perimeter with their products. This is only practical with hard-to-shoplift items, such as bags of steer manure and storage sheds.

Unfortunately, these sun-baked displays are all but abandoned by the sales staff, and must rely on graphics and signage to speak to their potential customers.

Despite an ambitious number of signs, I felt my local home depot wasn’t addressing some of the strongest benefits of owning a garden/storage/privacy shed/mini-garage/closet. I decided to make some new signs and try them out!

With nine eager volunteers poised to help, I sent signs to try out across the country.

Read all about it: The Shed Prank

Take a Photo, Leave a Photo

For Toronto street artist Posterchild’s latest project, he installed blue wooden boxes around town with a camera inside. He explains:

I made 5 boxes that contained dollar-store disposable cameras and marked them with “Take a Photo, Leave a Photo.” After retrieving the cameras (there were 3 still remaining), I developed the film and then framed and mounted the resulting photographs in the same spots!

The results are really cool!

You can see more of the photos on his site.

You might also enjoy this similar project with a disposable camera on a park bench.

Take a Seat

New York artist Jason Eppink has been getting lots of awesome press for his Take a Seat project lately, including the interview on NY1 above.

He writes:

Take a Seat is an ongoing series of public furniture installations aimed at increasing the availability of seating options in New York City subway stations. Perfectly functional chairs are rescued from trash piles and reassigned to stations where limited seating options leave subway patrons no choice but to stand for extended periods of time.

Take a Seat creates value simply by relocating an object to a new location. Rescued chairs – once liabilities – become assets with little to no effort.

Seating solutions installed for Take a Seat are not affixed to MTA property in any way, opening up opportunities for collaboration with subway patrons who, if they take the initiative, may continue the project by installing the chairs in other locations that could benefit from more seating options.

You also enjoy another of our favorite chair-related projects: Rob Cockerham’s Starbucks Chairs Prank.